On Monday 08 March 2004 12:24 pm, Don Walters wrote:
> >~vpopmail/bin/vconvert <-- run that by itself.
> Ok, that helps.  Now I guess that means I need to create each domain on the
> new server, put this file under each domain (same place as on the old
> server) and rerun the command converting everything back to mysql format?
> That will update the mysql tables for me?

Sounds like you are trying to copy over your mysql database.
On the old machine you can dump the vpopmail database with:
mysqldump -uroot -p vpopmail > vpopmail.sql

On the new machine in mysql command line
mysql -uroot -p
<enter password>
create database vpopmail;

Then import the data
mysql -uroot -p < vpopmail.sql

Ken Jones

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