Im not sure if its still relevant for Solaris 10 but i remember in the
device admin guide it mentions that solaris unloads the least used
devices should the system be busy. These are usually tapes and so it
recommends adding the following lines into /etc/system

forceload: drv/st
forceload: drv/sg

Just a thought.


Hudson, Steve wrote:
> Folks has anyone seen the issue we are seeing on Solaris 10. We have a
> Media Server that is at Solaris 10 with the Leadville Driver on the
> HBA and we are running Netbackup Enterprise Server version 5.1 MP5.
> Our tape drives keep disappearing from the O/S and the drives go down.
> Either a reboot or a running of the CFGADM utility
> Is necessary to get everything back. This is becoming quite painful.
> It seems from what I have seen on this list most people are very happy
> with Solaris 10 and I am wondering if those folks are at NBU 6.0 MP4
> or even NBU 6.5. Thanks in advanceā€¦.
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