On Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 04:31:16PM +0100, Dave Markham wrote:
> Im not sure if its still relevant for Solaris 10 but i remember in the
> device admin guide it mentions that solaris unloads the least used
> devices should the system be busy. These are usually tapes and so it
> recommends adding the following lines into /etc/system
> forceload: drv/st
> forceload: drv/sg

Unlikely in this case.  Unloading a driver doesn't remove the devices.
In fact simply accessing the devices will cause the driver to reload

Darren Dunham                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Technical Consultant         TAOS            http://www.taos.com/
Got some Dr Pepper?                           San Francisco, CA bay area
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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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