On Mar 3, 2010, at 9:45 AM, Jim Caldwell wrote:

> I am contemplating installing NBU 7.0 any known issues or gotcha's? Solaris 
> 10 is my Master/Media Server, clients, Solaris, Windows, Hyper-V and SQL. My 
> current level is 6.5.4.

We have upgraded our productions servers to 7.0 here.

The upgrade was smooth and easy. We did our master server and media server in 
an afternoon. no harder than doing a 6.5.x patch really.

A few things we have noticed:

VMWare backups are hugely improved.

We have yet to successfully restore a Virtual Machine backup however. It 
restores the files to the VMware datastore, they all appear to be there, then 
it claims tar did not find all the files and deletes everything it just 
restored. There are a lot of moving parts with this and we are still working on 
resolving this one.

Using the new use VM Name selection method in our policies has resulted in 
vault duplications of images with spaces failing.

Otherwise all our normal UNIX and Windows backups seem to be running just fine. 
I can’t comment on SQL database agents, as we do not use any database agents 

Shawn Plummer
Systems Manager
CIT SUNY Geneseo
"The mind can make substance, and people planets of its own with beings 
brighter than have been, and give a breath to forms which can outlive all 
flesh." -Lord Byron

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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