On Feb 12, 2009, at 5:29 AM, Paul Willis wrote:

On 11 Feb 2009, at 19:37, Quinn Taylor wrote:

I agree with others who suggested in essence that anyone serious
enough to be using Subversion will have the BBEdit's command tools

I use Subversion seriously, but don't use BBEdit as my primary
editor, and don't recall whether I have the tools installed or not.
You're welcome to love BBEdit, but assuming that everyone else
thinks it's "the bee's knees" in a way that could cause problems if
the tools aren't installed isn't wise. There may certainly be a
better solution than the current one, but assuming use of a third-
party commercial product doesn't seem like it.

You've taken AlanR's comment out of context. The discussion is about
people who are using BBEdit for diff and how Versions should access
it. AlanR is saying that people who are using BBEdit and subversion
are likely to have also installed the included BBEdit command line
tools (an option when installing).

Ah, so he was talking only about BBEdit users who are "serious enough to be using Subversion". That clarifies a lot, thanks!

Not that I agree with his suggestion. I think Dirk's use of a
supported AppleEvent interface is the way to go. Then it will work for
anyone who has BBEdit and chooses that as their diff tool.


I'm with you, I still disagree, and I think Dirk is on the right track. Assuming that "any reasonable user will have X" is not the most robust way to develop software, and I'm glad the Versions team is doing The Right Thing™. :-)

 - Quinn

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