Yes, thats what I was thinking of, why didnt I think it was an SVN
function not Versions? just so used to treating Versions as my
repository handler, stopped thinking of them outside Versions :-)

I can appreciate it may be a nuisance for those managing lot of

On Feb 12, 7:11 pm, Quinn Taylor <> wrote:
> I'm assuming you're talking about a menu item that appears toward the  
> right side of the menu bar. Items like these?  
> I can see the possibility of this being useful to a certain extent,  
> but less so for those managing lots of repositories with Versions. It  
> wouldn't necessarily have to be integrated with Versions, either.  
> Perhaps the menu item (conceptually) closest to what you're describing  
> is this one:
>   - Quinn
> On Feb 12, 2009, at 9:46 AM, wrote:
> > Apologies if this has been asked before,
> > I would like to see the number of files requiring updating/commiting
> > which is diaplayed by the repository title displayed in the Leopard
> > system area at the top of the screen, I use an app called 'Mail Unread
> > Menu' which does something similar for Mail and find it incredibly
> > uesful.
> > Thanks
> > Roger
> > >
>  smime.p7s
> 3KViewDownload

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