I know what you mean, Versions is certainly the pretty face of SVN to me. Command-line SVN is still comfortable to me, but imagine my pain in going to work and having to use CVS...

While a menu item could be configured to point to any SVN working copies, I admit that it would be nice if it had the option to integrate with Versions by reading its prefs file and using the working copies configured in Versions.

The Versions devs could make this easier by exposing the bookmarks a little more easily... Scraping through ~/Library/Preferences/ com.picodev.Versions.plist (either in Property List Editor or 0xED) doesn't turn up any plaintext representations of working copies. If that was available, it would be pretty simple to whip together a menu item. Of course, most of the work has already been done and exists in Versions, so it would probably be even better if there was an OS X framework for using the same code Versions does.... </idle wishing>

 - Quinn

On Feb 12, 2009, at 2:57 PM, footydirec...@googlemail.com wrote:

Yes, thats what I was thinking of, why didnt I think it was an SVN
function not Versions? just so used to treating Versions as my
repository handler, stopped thinking of them outside Versions :-)

I can appreciate it may be a nuisance for those managing lot of

On Feb 12, 7:11 pm, Quinn Taylor <quinntay...@mac.com> wrote:
I'm assuming you're talking about a menu item that appears toward the
right side of the menu bar. Items like these?  http://menu.jeweledplatypus.org/

I can see the possibility of this being useful to a certain extent,
but less so for those managing lots of repositories with Versions. It
wouldn't necessarily have to be integrated with Versions, either.
Perhaps the menu item (conceptually) closest to what you're describing
is this one:


  - Quinn

On Feb 12, 2009, at 9:46 AM, footydirec...@googlemail.com wrote:

Apologies if this has been asked before,

I would like to see the number of files requiring updating/commiting
which is diaplayed by the repository title displayed in the Leopard
system area at the top of the screen, I use an app called 'Mail Unread
Menu' which does something similar for Mail and find it incredibly


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