On Apr 14, 2009, at 10:32 PM, Jeff H wrote:

Thanks for the help, Quinn! This got me a lot further. FYI, I had to
change the "www" to "_www" in the chown Terminal command--apparently,
that's the apache username. To get things working completely, I also
had to add the following line to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf:

Yeah, depends on the system. For me, chown'ing with www works, even though the actual user is _www.

LoadModule dav_svn_module /opt/subversion/lib/svn-apache/

Heh, yeah, I forgot about that step. I've had that enabled on my machine for a long while now, so it slipped my mind. Of course, those using the "built-in" SVN 1.4.4 on Leopard will use the following:

LoadModule dav_svn_module libexec/apache2/mod_dav_svn.so


Glad I could be of some assistance.

I also like using the svn protocol from time to time. Took me a long time once to get it working properly with launchd, but once I did it's nice in that the svnserve daemon can be launched on-demand, only when someone tries to connect to the repository, which is great for infrequent access.

- Quinn

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