Em 14/04/2009, às 15:40, Lorin Rivers escreveu:

Unfortunately I am not getting the benefit of my paid registration
while I wait for Versions to catch up with Subversion.

Sorry to be so contrary, but this claim is utter nonsense. If you
registered, you can certainly use the app, and nothing is keeping
you from "getting the benefit of [your] paid registration". What you
mean to say is that you want to use SVN 1.6 across the board, and
Versions doesn't yet work with 1.6 working copies, so it doesn't
work seamlessly with your desired workflow. I can certainly
understand the desire to use SVN, but the fact that you'd have to
install an additional package on OS X to do so means this problem of
your own making.

I can't use Versions & svn 1.6 at the same time. I CAN use svnX (warts
and all) and SCPlugin with svn 1.6. Since svn is required and 1.6 is
what I am using, so I haven't launched Versions in weeks.

My apologies for coming off as attacking you. I think we're just coming at this from opposite sides of the issue, with different driving factors. Currently, SVN 1.6 support is a non-issue for me, but that doesn't mean it can't be the most important thing for someone else, even if it means not being able to use certain tools. I took your comment in the wrong context, and I'm sorry.

Although I'm not yet using 1.6, I do understand the conundrum. Things don't always "just work" for early adopters. In light of recent discussion on this group, I also agree that it would be nice if Versions linked to the default Subversion install in /usr/lib. It's a bit ironic that the reason they went to bundling 1.4.x and 1.5.x inside Versions was because so many people were clamoring for 1.5 support, and now that people want 1.6, we're dependent on the devs to produce a new version that allows it. I'm starting to think that allowing users to specify a particular library path (such as /opt/ subversion/lib) accompanied with a clear warning that it can produce unexpected results and a way to switch back to the default location would be nice. With proper defensive coding, certain features could be enabled/disabled based on the version of the SVN libs. Granted, nothing is ever as simple as it sounds on paper, so I'm sure there are hurdles to overcome with this approach, but I hope it happens soon. :-)

I can't speak for everyone, but for me Versions is simpler than the
SVN support in Xcode, and is FAR more usable than either Subversive
or Subclipse. (Eclipse in and of itself is a UI and usability
abomination, despite the power and convenience it brings, but that's
a discussion for another day.) Just try editing SVN properties or
browsing history in real-time with Eclipse or Xcode. Especially in
Eclipse, doing examining virtually any detailed information (diffs,
history, properties, etc.) requires right-clicking and navigating
menus. It's no skin off my nose if you want to crawl back to (what I
consider) an inferior tool. Despite trumpeting your disdain for
Versions, you won't fool anyone who can tell the difference between
good UI and bad UI, either.

Don't conflate my comments with CodeWarrior's. I'd LOVE to be using
Versions, but if I have to use svn instead, I will (and do).

That wasn't my intent. I replied to his email, which was a reply to yours, and didn't expect either of you to think my entire response applied to what you wrote individually.


I want to see 1.6 support as much as the next person, and I'd
especially love to be able to have Versions link against external
SVN libraries seamlessly. However, please realize that bitter
complaining doesn't solve the problem — it won't make 1.6 support
come any sooner, and it just adds to pile of emails the devs already
have to sort through. They're working hard, and they're people with
lives too — they're not anyone's slave just because that person
happened to purchase a software license, and they don't "owe" you
anything beyond what you received to begin with. They'd be within
their rights to charge for updates, or halt development completely —
none of us are stockholders or part owners, so let's not act like we
have the right to demand a darn thing.

I'm not demanding a thing and neither is CodeWarrior. He did say he's
going to share his feelings in a variety of forums, which is his
right. There's an old saw about the number of people a dissatisfied
customer tells about his experience vs. the number of people satisfied
customers tell. It's true.

I was commenting on the general tone of some emails in this forum, not about your particular message. Although people may not use the word "demand", messages that boil down to "if X doesn't happen, then I'm leaving" are roughly equivalent. Even so, people are free to say whatever they want, and my intent wasn't to say they can't, but rather to remind us all to act professionally and not <hyperbole>like whiny teenagers who feel the need to inform everyone that life is so unfair and that my life is, like, so horrible.</hyperbole> :-) None of us have gotten as bad as that, it's just good to keep things in check. (Who knows, maybe the devs already think we do sound like whiny teens?)

If a person (such as me) needs to use svn 1.6, Versions isn't much use
to them, nice ui or no. Or am I missing something?

Nope, not missing anything. A tool that doesn't fit the problem isn't a solution. Works for me != works for you. :-)

 - Quinn

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