Thankx Quinn. I will check with the admin of company. Just for check,  
i will post what happens:

1 - Suppose that exist in a svn
2 - you check out it using Versions and create a new Java project to  
work on it (Close the Versions)
3 - Inside the eclipse (without subeclipse - just eclipse), rename it  
4 - Open the Versions, you will see that the Version says that the is missing

What i want (to know if Versions do):

1 - Suppose that exist in a svn
2 - you check out it using Versions and create a new Java project to  
work on it (Close the Versions)
3 - Inside the eclipse (without subeclipse - just eclipse), rename it  
4 - Open the Versions, they will detect that is now
5 - Versions actualize the svn and everything is alright.

What happens with Subeclipse:

1 - Suppose that exist in a svn
2 - you check out it using Subeclipse and create a new Java project to  
work on it (Close the Versions)
3 - Inside the eclipse (with subeclipse, rename it to
4 - Its automatic renamed in svn. is deleted,  
is the new versioned
5 - everything is alright.

What we are doing now:

1 - Suppose that exist in a svn
2 - you check out it using Versions and create a new Java project to  
work on it (Close the Versions)
3 - You discover that need to be
4 - Open the Versions, go to the svn and rename (manually).
5 - Go to the trunk that was checked out and update
6 - is now
7 - Inside the eclipse refresh the project, now, is
8 - open and correct the type name
9 - everything is not alright

Now, i just need to know if Versions do the same of Subeclipse, i need  
a smart svn tool that reduce clicks and accelerate the job of my team.


The Future Begins Today

Em 18/04/2009, às 03:16, Quinn Taylor escreveu:

> We're talking about the same thing. When Versions displays the state  
> of your working copy — including what has been modified, added,  
> deleted, renamed, etc. — it's just a graphical view of information  
> that you can view using the `svn status` command. When Eclipse or  
> Versions "renames" a file, it actually performs the equivalent of  
> `svn move old/path/name new/path/name` on the working copy. This is  
> what makes it possible to use different SVN tools on the same  
> working copy. The problem comes in when one tool doesn't do exactly  
> what it's supposed to. I'm not saying that Versions is always right  
> (after all, it is a newish product, and quite a few bugs have  
> already been squashed) but my experience is that when I rename using  
> Terminal or Versions, the 2 tools have always been in sync. Same  
> with Xcode, as far as I can tell. That's why I suppose I'm  
> suspicious of Subclipse in this case. If you made the change inside  
> Eclipse, and Versions doesn't display what you'd expect, always turn  
> to Terminal to see if the most basic SVN tools agree with Eclipse or  
> not. That will help you know if the rename is being done correctly.
> Espero que isso ajuda,
> - Quinn
> On Apr 17, 2009, at 9:25 PM, CodeWarrior wrote:
>> Quinn
>> Thankx for your answer but i'm not the programmer and not the admin,
>> what i need is not know the status, but rename inside eclipse and
>> Version automatic detect it and rename the file in the SVN and NOT
>> appear "missing". It's possible?
>> Obrigado.
>> Em 17/04/2009, às 17:13, Quinn Taylor escreveu:
>>> The first thing I'd do is fire up Terminal in that directory and
>>> type 'svn status'. Make sure that the rename (modeled as a delete
>>> and add-with-history, shown with a plus sign in column 3) is shown.
>>> Unless Subclipse has actually flagged the change in the working
>>> copy, you can't expect Versions to pick up on it. If so, the next
>>> thing I'd do is refresh the working copy view in Versions to see if
>>> the change is reflected. On Leopard, Versions listens to FSEvents
>>> for working copies, so it automatically gets notified when files
>>> change and knows to update accordingly. I'd be curious to know what
>>> the actual state of the working copy is when you're seeing this
>>> symptom in Versions....
>>> - Quinn
>>> On Apr 17, 2009, at 10:36 AM, CodeWarrior wrote:
>>>> I work with Eclipse and in this week we pass a big problem again.  
>>>> My
>>>> developers rename the inside the Eclipse to
>>>> (for exemplo). When they open the Versions, Version
>>>> say that file is missing and begin our problem. In a subeclipse,  
>>>> when
>>>> we rename a file, its automatic rename in svn too. I think that the
>>>> Versions have this basic (for me) feature. Its have or have not and
>>>> how can we pass it?
>>>> Its function like:
>>>> Version file
>>>> Monitor Versioned File
>>>> If change (rename) make rename in svn
>>>> commit
>>>> Thankx!

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