Hi Versions Team,

I'm very interested in your product. I've tried it as a Trial in the
past and it seemed to work great! I've been away from subversion for
some time now and I've realized that beanstalkapp.com is upgrading to
subversion 1.5.5 across all repositories on May 20th. I'm just curious
to know which release of Versions is most suitable to that
environment. I ask this only because I'm having difficulty finding the
specific date as to when subversion 1.5.5 was released. Somewhere
between Dec. 22 2008 and Jan 2009? I see that the latest public
release of Versions was "VERSION 1.0.3 (BUILD 56) - DECEMBER 2 2008"
as published on your website. Should I press on with 1.04b2?


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