Haven't experienced any bugs yet, works fine on my machine running
svn, version 1.6.0 (r36650).
Commited and Checked out several projects without any issue, will post
bugs in case i run into any.

Thanks for the beta version :)

On Apr 27, 10:08 pm, Koen Bok <k...@madebysofa.com> wrote:
> Versions 1.0.4 Beta
> Hey everyone,
> A lot of people have been eager to get their hands on Versions with
> the Subversion libraries 1.6. We've been building and testing this
> over the last month, but we discovered some issues that kept us back
> from releasing it to the public. The biggest one is the leaking of
> processes when using Subversion over SSH (1). So we decided to do a
> public beta in the group, both to let the people who know what they
> are doing get their hands on it, and to determine whether it's ready
> for the big public.
> If you run into any problems, particularly when you use this build
> with the Subversion 1.6 libraries, please post about it here and we
> can figure out any remaining issues together.
> Thanks!
> Koen Bok - madebysofa.com
> Get it here:http://cdn.versionsapp.com/Versions_1.0.4b_63.zip
> (1)http://lists.apple.com/archives/Xcode-users/2009/Mar/msg00443.html
> Note: Enabling Subversion 1.6 will upgrade your working copies. To
> downgrade again you will have to make a new checkout.
> Release Notes:
> Versions 1.0.4b (Build 62) - April 27 2009
> - Added Subversion 1.6 support (version 1.6.1)
> - Upgraded Subversion 1.5 libraries to version 1.5.6
> - Added support for authentication using SASL
> - Fixed diffing with BBEdit
> - Sorting files by name in the Browse view now works like it does in
> the Finder
> - Bookmarks are now also sorted correctly when accented characters are
> present in their names
> - Fixed a crash that occurred when the subversion config file contains
> errors that prevent it from being parsed correctly
> - Added an option to start Versions in “Verbose mode” to log all
> errors to the Console
> - An alert is now shown when there are problems retrieving or saving
> passwords from the Keychain. When it's not convenient to show an
> alert, the error is logged to the Console instead
> - Fixed an issue that was causing crash report windows to show up when
> Versions had not crashed
> - Added a “Quit Now” button to the “Waiting for transactions to
> finish...” window
> - Fixed bugs in registration that occured in very specific scenarios
> - Updated the Help documentation with an FAQ page
> - Made the column for revision numbers wider
> - Various other small improvements
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