May your GOD be your fishing partner.  
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 10:07:21 -0600

Actually it was pretty hot.....dang close if not 90 degrees.....maybe even over 
90 degrees. She said the cold water felt great. 
We caught allllllllll fish on one of three patterns. Soft Hackles, Zebra 
Midges, or Sowbugs. That's IT! OH! actually we did catch a few on dry flies 
towards the end of the day.......for Chad and Bill it was a size 18 Caddis, and 
i got mine on a Parachute Adams, and a couple on a little emerger 
pattern......bout size 18. We met another guy on the water that said he had had 
a lotta success with a small Royal The Cutts were the ones 
takin' the dries real well. It was a phenominal days fishin'. BIG 
TIME.....perfect weather........tons of fish.......and SUPER people. i got a 
pretty good sunburn........feels GREAT!  Bill and Chad were usin' 
indicators........i hate the damn naturally they caught 
double the number of fish that i did..........a few times we swaped rods, just 
for when i did use one which had an indicator rigged up.....i 
did catch more fish........but staring at a indicator is frickin' boring. I'd 
rather rely on all my senses instead of just one. MUCH more fun. Those things 
do work though.


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