Tony, and Don.....both you guys got to much "personality" to be commercial 
tyers. With very few exceptions, (A.K. being one), i've found that most all the 
commercial tyers i've met.....just somewho ended up the fly tyin' assembly 
line......but it may have been in any "factory" where they ended up. They just 
got those kinna personalities, where they can do the same thing over and over 
and over and get the picture. Frickin' 
BBBOOORRRIIINNNGGG!!!!!!! Some people can hack it......and seems most of them 
also know how to live on nothin'..................cause that's what a 
commercial fly tyers makes, NOTHIN"! 

i did a little bit of it, and at $9 a dozen, (which is pretty much the standard 
rate payed), you don't make SQUAT! Nothin' wrong with side 
income................but you aint gonna do nothin' but spend it right back in 
the fly shop, LMAO!

Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 04:45:53 -0800
Subject: [VFB] Re: Production Fly Tying for a living

You hit the nail on the head, I tied for shops and resorts for four years, It 
can be a hassle. You have to be a person willing to spend the time at the vise 
and be able to live with it. Personally I burned out to the point that I really 
don't do a lot of tying now.
My best time was a dozen wollybuggers in 45 minuets if I had everything set up 

--- On Sat, 11/14/09, Don Ordes <> wrote:

From: Don Ordes <>
Subject: [VFB] Re: Production Fly Tying for a living
Date: Saturday, November 14, 2009, 9:50 PM

I tied commercially - in the loooong ago past- for a short time. Very Major 
For a professional tier, tying time is only a portion of the time invested.  It 
depends on how efficient you are, how well planned your set-up time is, your 
tying facilities, etc.  If you can be efficient in all these things, the %age 
of overhead services will be smaller.  There's accounting, book-keeping, 
account payable, accounts receeivable, bill collecting, sales, purchasing & 
problems with supplies/suppliers, materials handling and control, shipping, 
etc.  One thing commercial tiers had was a huge box of waste necks with 
unuseable feathers.  
Take all the hats any business owner wears and the professional tier has to 
wear them at some time.  I estimated with all of the time invested besides 
tying, the actual realistic production time (tying) was about 50% getting 
started, and once the bugs got worked out, about 70%.  If you don't pay 
attention to the support functions, it will fail.  If you pay for the services, 
it comes right off the top.
Competition from overseas tying has make commercial tying here either 
starvation wages or hobby only.
So factor these things in with your calculations.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jimmy D. Moore 
Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2009 10:00 AM
Subject: [VFB] Re: Production Fly Tying Book came

Wow, that's 36,000 flies a year! He tie them all himself?  If so, at my tying 
average speed of 2 minutes per fly, that translates into 2 X 36,000 = 72,000 
minutes % 60 minutes / hr = 1,200 hours at the bench.  1,200 % 24 (hours in a 
day) = 50 days, if I tied 24 hours a day.  Now, considering that I "run out of 
gas" after about 4 hours at the bench, this would mean that it'd take me 1,200 
hours % 4 hours = 300 days to tie the 36,000.   DUH!  Ain't gonna happen !! :-P 
:-( :-D 

JIMMY D wrote:

Folks; i received my copy of Production Tying by AK Best today. Seems to be an 
awesome book. Can't wait to read it. The forward tells about how AK ties to 
sell over 3,000 DOZEN flies per YEAR. I can't even imagine that, Chuck
Please see our fly fishing hand made furled leaders at:

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