I never got a thing from Chuck at any of the shows I did for him. When he cut 
us down to half days at the booths, I could not sell enough flies to pay 
expenses. I had to decline invitations. After two I declined, naturally I was 
dropped. I just can't travel like I used to so it really don't matter.

--- On Mon, 11/16/09, Don Ordes <> wrote:

From: Don Ordes <>
Subject: [VFB] Re: Show tying and sales, and 'bennies' -is it worth it?
Date: Monday, November 16, 2009, 10:35 PM

Tying shows, like Tony says, are different in how 
they handle tiers and vendors and selling.  Here's my short 
I've been tying at Casper shows since the early 
80's, so expenses were no big deal, and I could sell to my heart's 
The 1st out-of-state show I was invited to tie at 
was the Internat. Sportsman's Expo in Denver in 1995, by Pete 
Parker.  One $$ 'bennie' at that 
show was a nice personalized ExOfficio Fishing shirt, and the ISE logo on 
it was a calling card at shows that one had 'arrived' at celebrity status.  
It was explained to me that tying in the video theater there was a status 
in the front range arena, and wearing the shirt was your 'badge'.  The 
second benny was my free private tying table, where I could sell anything I 
wanted (sold lots of flies and took orders).  Led to another 
Ed Rice, the owner, saw my flies at 
the table and invited me to tie at the San Mateo Show a month later- all 
expenses paid, plus a free booth (not table) for me to tie and sell, and 
Cheryl to assist me.  I earned it with five 12-hour days on the 
job.  Sold tons of Fantasy Flies and took a lot of orders and met a lot of 
folks.  Pete told me that was the only time he had ever 
seen Ed pick up tier expenses for any show.  Another neat benny for 
the Denver Show is that I've been featured twice in the Denver Post Sports 
section at ISE time.  Great publicity for my Fantasy Flies.
The next show I was invited to was the next year 
FFF conclave at the Outlaw Inn in Kalispel, MT.  Assistance - block of 
cheaper rooms and lunch tickets.  Sold lots of flies there too.  And 
met a ton of real celebrities, one of whom was Lefty.
After that, the Green River Fly Swap had me tie at 
their show for 7 years (after which they lost their city funding), paying an 
appearance fee ($$), mileage, and picking up the room.  Also got a 
free double booth as the main co-attraction along with (different years) Jack 
Dennis, Mike Lawson, & Gary Lafontaine.  Got to sell boucou 
flies.  Got free concession food and drinks, coffee, etc.  Plus the 
red-carpet treatment.
Have tied at the Denver ISE every year since.  
Get a new shirt each year and free entrance for me and Cheryl.  Last year 
they gave Cheryl an honorary shirt just for being stuck with Buggs.  
So what's that- about 14 ISE shirts now?  LOL  
Different shows come with different bennies.  
Chuck gave me me the front door booth for the first year, and then a double 
tying table each year after that.  He usually gets good room deals, and 
Cheryl gets free entry. I like tying for Chuck as he realizes how important the 
tiers are to his show.  He has a special low price for his show 
shirts.  I have about twenty fly-show fishing shirts now, way too many to 
The West Denver TU years ago (2001+/-) gave me the 
celebrity booth with Tom Whiting and paid expenses for me to tie until the 
locals got upset, and so I quit that show- too much politics.  Made a lot 
of good friends there, tho.
I've tied across the country from Florida to Cal. 
to New Orleans to New Jersey to Holland - dozens and dozens of shows of all 
kinds in between.  It's all been good- no complaints really- just burned 
out.  It's always a decision made freely to tie or not to tie.  The 
show I'll never forget was Holland, and the hospitality and generosity and 
comradery and...   
If I accepted every show invitation and 
was fabulously wealthy like Mark R., I'd be doing a 
show every weekend too, and fishing my way in between.  Wait...  
Cheryl just said "No way, Hose' ".
So I've decided now to stay at home, tie, and drink 
beer with Buggs and Dr. D, and make DVDs.   Buuuuurp!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 6:32 
  Subject: [VFB] Re: Show tying and 

      I stand corrected on Shows and Conclaves. To me they are 
        all shows., I have been tying at shows since 1989, Conclaves 1994. 
        demo tying since 1987. Have tied on and off from 1945 to 
--- On Mon, 11/16/09, Mark Romero <> 

          Mark Romero <>
          [VFB] Re: Show tying and sales
To: "virtual fly box" 
Date: Monday, November 16, 2009, 
          5:50 PM

          #yiv1503966509 #yiv1420924557 .hmmessage P {
#yiv1503966509 #yiv1420924557 {

          Tony, if i remember right Jeff said you could have a "conclave" 
          without tyers............not a "show." But either one without tyers 
          wouldn't be worth my time and trouble to attend........he's right, 
          could hold a conclave without tyers.....but you'd never get anywhere 
          near as many people to attend. And what's a conclave with out a show 
's the show the drwas the people, and the tyers that 
          make the show..........for me anyway. i've been goin' to the shows 
          since '92 and tyin' at them since '97.....and i'd never go to a 
          show that didn't have tyers. 

          Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 14:34:24 -0800

Subject: [VFB] Re: Show tying and sales

At every show that I have been Tying 
                Chairman including Conclaves, I have always made that same 
                announcement, "If it were not you tyers, we would not have a 
                show." The Sowbug happens to be a "Tying Show" the Conclaves a 
                "Fund Raising" show and the big shows mostly "Vendors" selling 
                shows. The tying show is for tyers that want to demonstrate 
                their tying methods, strictly voluntary, no one is paid to 
                At the Sowbug we do give a free meal to the tyers and spouses. 
                At the smaller tying shows, we have free refreshments. The 
                Conclave is a "Fund Raising"  tyer invited show and a 
                vendor show. There is usually a paid known name celebrity that 
                is paid to attend. This is a drawing card  for non tying 
                members. The tyers volunteer their time for the cause of the 
                FFF. We feel that we want to help to have members attend to see 
                us tie. We also try to show new ways of tying some flies. It is 
                also educational, with the classes that are held. The Conclaves 
                that I have attended have always given you at least one 
                "Welcoming Party meal" The Commercial shows are for "Selling" 
                tyers are there for show. I have attended a lot of them and it 
                always cost me more from my pocket than I cared to spend. I 
                never got as much as a sandwich at a commercial show but paid 
                much as 5.00 for a hot dog.

--- On Mon, 
                <> wrote:

                  [VFB] Re: Show tying and sales
Date: Monday, November 16, 2009, 
                  2:05 PM

#yiv1503966509 #yiv1420924557 .ExternalClass #ecxyiv351704980 .ecxhmmessage P
#yiv1503966509 #yiv1420924557 .ExternalClass #ecxyiv351704980

                  Don: Don't those ppl realize that 
                  without tiers there would be NO show??? Geez, 
                  Please see our fly fishing hand made furled leaders 
                    Original Message ----- 
                    Don Ordes 
                    Monday, November 16, 2009 11:42 AM
                    [VFB] Show tying and sales

                    Mark et al,
                    Got my invite again to tie at the 
                    Oregon Council FFF conclave.  As in the past for this 
                    show, there's a specific, hilited note in the invite letter 
                    that tiers are forbidden to sell materials or fly-fishing 
                    related items at their tying tables.  If you want to 
                    sell such items get in touch with so-and-so for information 
                    on booth space.
                    No mention of ANY accomodations or 
                    assistance for travelling tiers- no block of rooms reserved 
                    (BTW, no expense to council- only motels), no free lunches 
                    or tier coffee-stand, no comp. banquet tickets, and shirts 
                    are $35. each.  How do I say this...nah!  I'm 
                    surprised that they aren't charging the tiers the door 
                    entry-fee.  The do come around asking for free flies 
                    for show-plate auctions, tho.
                    My motto now:  "If I have to pay, 
                    I go to play."  
                    If I'm going to drop a couple grand to 
                    head that way, I'm going fishing and will pop in at the 
                    once or twice, pay the door fee, cruise the isles, and 
                    say hi to those I know. 
                    Guess I won't be making this 
                    show.  Rather go fishing in Baja.


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