Thanks Chuck!  This was the first time I have EVER been mentioned in
any newpaper (unless you count the times I made honor roll in high
school...big press item).  Now the NYT!?  Damn.  Not that I am looking
a gift horse in the mouth, but I too was concerned about the fact that
there was no link in the actual article.  I consider three or four new
people commenting on my site a spike, but I feel that it is important
to at least say "Hey...this is where I got my info."


On 7/25/05, Chuck Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I railed against (almost) everything I think is wrong with
>  the NY Times article here:

>  That said, congrats to everyone, especially Ian, who deserves
>  all the kudos we can shower upon him! I was also so happy
>  to see the words "Reality Sandwich."

>  Too bad you won't see much of a traffic spike without links.
>  Apparently will, though... I'm going to email
>  Sarah Boxer about the links. We need to keep on journalists
>  about this, sadly.


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