I am very happy that video blogging is getting more press, for the shear fact that it may bring more people to start video blogging themselves. I totally agree with Chuck and his commentary on the article.

I also recognize how this is a perfect example of "themed content" and how it makes things more palatable to outsiders. Now I am probably never going to turn my blog into a theme outside of "this is me, Josh Leo" But the emphasis that Ian got in this article (5 paragraphs and 2 pictures compared to everyone else with 1 sentence and no pictures) is a clear example that the average everyday person will understand something easier if it has a "gimmick" or theme.

I am not saying that Ian's project is a "gimmick" in the negative sense of the word, it just makes it easier to understand.  normal person understands a personal challenge of trying to do something difficult every day (such as creating a video) better than they would someone posting video randomly just because they enjoy it. The emphasis on the three episodes of Challenge Ian overshadowed the whole project (7 months of videos) because it was even more of a "gimmick". After talking with Ian this morning, he thinks he is going to set challenge Ian on the backburner because of the attention it is getting.

The other draw of Ian's project, and Rocketboom is it's habitual viewership. people go back every day because it becomes part of their routine. having that habitual audience is  great way to maintain viewers. Both Ian and Rocketboom have had their fair share of really awesome videos, and that is another reason that they are getting the attention that they deserve.

I just find it interesting to try to understand how the press picks video blogs to cover. They don't cover all the most "popular" ones (though Rocketboom and Steve Garfield have been mentioned in nearly every article so far.) and sometimes they pick out random people who have just started and launch them into the public eye. I guess, as this most recent article presents, America is used to TV so showing them video blogs that fit into the idea's of tv makes the topic easier to digest.

ok so I know some stuff i have just typed may piss some people off, I am not always the most effective in text so here are my disclaimers:
I love the 05 project
Ian is an awesome video blogger
Themed content is not a bad thing
Habitual viewership is not a bad thing
"shows" are not a bad thing
I am obviously wrting out of the emotion of "I wish they would have covered me more throroughly"
Don't hate me!

Josh Leo



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