I use a pop-up for my embeded player.  I do it for the following reasons:
* I (and I've found most of my viewers) find it really annoying when they click "play" (or whatever) and some media player takes the webpage away and brings up a player I have to sit with while things stream/download and play ... if I wanted to browse comments at the same time or something I have to open up a whole new window now ... so letting a player take away the website was out for me - needed to be a new window.
* I wanted the ability to include many videos on a page (or even a post if I choose) wihtout worrying about the client trying to buffer/download more than one at a time. My solution was 'dont embed a player until the user selects which movie they want to see'.  (I could have chosen to not embed a player at all ... but with quicktime that usually means my webpage goes away ... and I dont want that (and opening a new window for the movie file is basically the same thing as a pop up).)
* Most users (who arent web designers) dont want to have a 'right-click/select an option' or even a "shift-click" experience ... they want a "I click it and it worked" experience.  (and "Bah! I clicked it and it played but web site closed!" is not the experience I'm hoping to provide.)
* I use a system similar to the one Josh Kinberg describes.  I have one and only one "plays a video" page.  It's passed a video ID and then the approrpriate embed code and src url is loaded.

All that being said, there is some serious room for improvement in my system I know that ... having a "view in pop-up" link as an alternative is an ok option ... but I've found the general rule on pop-ups is thaty they are typically ok as long as they contain expected and requested content .
(And to whoever said the webs whole point was to let the user decide how to see information ... thats not really true.  HTML has never let the user dictate how it's parsed.  The web is meant to easily interconnect sets of data and let the user decide how to travese it ... but it's also meant to allow content publishers to easily make that data available in a manner they the publisher choose.)
- Dave

Individual Fireant Typepad


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