On 4/2/06, Ron Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Interesting thread. 

Something that drives me crazy about this group is that there is some serious confusion about what is and is not spam.

When someone posts about a vlog they are proud of, some people tend to think that it is spam. I actually apologized for spamming the group when I posted a piece that I was proud of (thanks for the feedback for all of you that viewed and reviewed it). I think that is a problem. 

I do not personally have a problem with:
* An introduction post the first time someone puts up their videoblog
* A "wow this was tough/fun/interesting" when there's something GENUINELY cool about a recent vlog they posted.
* A post introducing a videoblogging-related product or service. These annoy me if they are the only thing the person posts, however; learn to contribute.

I do have a problem with:
* A post every day or so with the same information posted yesterday. Namely "check out my vlog."  Hey, if we didn't go see it yesterday, what makes you think today is different?
* A post EVERY TIME someone posts a vlog entry. Sorry-- each individual vlog is probably not that unique. Cool and important to you, sure. But not enough to post every time you update. This isn't a notification list.
* People who use this group as an experiment in their marketing plans. I can go on and on about experimentation in marketing, but the fact is, Jason either lied about that, or is a very unethical marketer. I think we know the latter is true, at least. There's a very limited set of cases where it's ethical to experiment on a group without their knowledge or permission. This isn't one of them.
* People who also privately email individual members of the group to ask them why they haven't come to look at their vlogs. From email I have received, Jason may have done this, as well, basically using the videoblogging group as a source for email addresses to follow-up with his marketing garbage.

I do agree that RSS is not a promotional tool per se, in the sense that it doesn't get more people to see your vlog. However, RSS makes it easier to get your vlog into certain search and index sites.

I notice that most of the people who responded with angst in this thread have pretty good name recognition within this community. I am not attacking anyone, but I think that those of you who are established Vloggers don't really see the problems for getting exposure for a new Vlog.

This is very, very true. The "core" vloggers will, whether they like it or not, be seen as "cliqueish" as more videobloggers enter the vlogging world. That's not who they are, and not what they're about-- in fact, it's hard to find a more enthusiastic, engaging, and inclusive group of folks in the high tech world. But the nature of group dynamics is such that this is a nearly-inevitable side effect of becoming "the experts."

Exposure for vlogs is a problem, and it gets bigger everyday. Those problems are compounded when, in a group about video blogging, asking for people to check out your vlog is spam. 

It's not spam. It's spam when it's every 12 hours.
Oh yea, we just signed the paperwork for our new dog training studio, boutique and art gallery. 
<snark>I will be posting video soon, and if it is good enough I will 'spam' the group with the info, mainly in the hopes that local vlogging hero Josh Leo will watch it and come out and vlog about it. Then maybe all of you will get a chance to see our new place. </snark> 

See, I don't see this as spammy at all, because you contributed valuable thoughts and perspective to the discussion. There *has* to be a high signal-to-noise ratio on this list, or it will collapse.


Stephanie Bryant
Blogs, vlogs, and audioblogs at:

Individual Fireant Use


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