
On 4/10/06, Monique Danielle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 " My question is.... Is it Fair Use to link directly to a vlog's video? "

On VlogChallenge we link directly to folks moves, BUT they add their links so they have OK'd it. I don't agree with hotlinking in general, so I would say, no it is not fair UNLESS you give full and proper credit to the vlogger (site, name, link to homepage, etc), then I would think that most folks would be fine with it. Just my humble opinion

(Just to word it another way) so then the rule would be....

IF you give "proper credit", THEN it is OK to hotlink.

And if that is the case, it would be important to define what "proper credit" is.  You mentioned: listing the site's URL, listing the site's name, linking to the site.  I'd also say that you'd want to list to the show's URLs, list the show's name, and link to the show.  (What I'm saying is that to also "give info" to the actual page of the post... and not just the main page of the site.)

Anyone else have some comments on this?

See ya

    Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.

    charles @ reptile.ca
    supercanadian @ gmail.com

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