On 5/9/06, Markus Sandy <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

and, yes suggesting that 'this group is not growing with the rest of the group' was the silliest thing i had heard

I'll avoid the temptation to start quoting obvious threads you've overlooked or blacked out  of your memory. :-P

i apologize for not picking one of your statements if that's what bothering you (j/k)

Whats bothering me is is this needlessly harsh tone aimed at someone who was only pointing out that although this group has grown to over 2k people, its the 'old standards' that are in the top 50 users.  That may not be a problem, it's simply raised the quesiton" "is the current format of the group contributing to the fact that there arent more new names in active posters list".

Theres no reason to insult just because you dont see a problem with the fact that the same people are contributing to the list ... some others in this thread are simply asking "would we see more participation from newer users and expand our network of friends if we were to present this FLOOD of information in another way".

How can simply having that discussion warrant you ranking someones opinion on it as the silliest thing you've ever read.

Vlogging about the yahoo group isn't likely to inspire lurkers to become active.  So what would? (I doubt them seeing people attack perfectly reasonable discussion as 'the silliest thing' ever read is going to do it)

- Dave
feed:   http://www.DavidMeade.com/feed

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