I totally agree with your assessment of the functionality of Yahoo
Groups. I've been using it since before it was Yahoo groups and Yahoo
has done little to improve it. Most of the improvements to the system
have been cosmetic. I much prefer what Google has done with their groups.

I started a PHPbb forum at Garagepunk.com about 5 years ago with a
friend of mine. We currently have 3,214 members (larger than this list
I think) and the forum structure works out much better for starting
and sustaining conversations IMHO. People can browse the topics they
are interested in and connect more easily with like minded
individuals. But I'm sure you all know this already.

Bill Streeter

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Ron Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Writing this before I read them all and before I forget, so I 
> apologize in advance if it has already been said.
> I have been a Yahoo list member (that moniker ought to date me well) 
> for about 10 years now, and it has always struck me how inadequate 
> the lists are at developing a community. Lists are great for 
> announcements, but horrible for conversations. There is no permanence 
> to these lists; every conversation is a flash in the pan.
> How many times does the same, or similar question get asked? Can you 
> research a topic on this list? What if you come in late, as I did? 
> Surf through thousands of posts most of which are of no interest to me?
> This was the problem with the discdog lists on Yahoo. the list 
> functioned perfectly for announcements but was sorely lacking in 
> terms of building a community. The lack of permanence, I believe, is 
> the big shortcoming of these lists in developing a community. First 
> off there is the difficulty of finding information that is of 
> interest to you; drilling down into the thousands of messages with 
> different subjects is near impossible. Then there is the fact that 
> people can say anything they want and it is gone, never to be seen 
> again. This allows people to really act shitty towards eachother.
> 2 years ago i created http://k9disc.com (orignially a phpBB) as an 
> alternative to the lists. It was slow going at first, as none of the 
> discdogging heavy hitters hopped on the band wagon, and a bunch still 
> are not members, but it really picked up steam, and we now have 227 
> or so members and nearly 8000 posts. It has been an invaluable 
> resource for new discdog players across the world. Things are divided 
> up into topics, and while there are a lot of posts, at least you have 
> a topic that you can start your drilling in.
> I am all for a bridging the gap with a good forum set up instead of 
> this list. I am sure I would participate more. I would also be able 
> to learn so much more.
> Anybody know how to run scoop? Great program for communities, and it 
> totally could handle 1000 members.
> Later,
> Ron

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