Maybe this list is what it is and that's fine. There are other places and lists to handle other things.

Ryanne and I have worked really hard to make Freevlog easy and cover most every newbie question. When we did our first big launch a year ago we had a message board but nobody used it (we got about 2 or 3 posts total). Most people just emailed us and what we found was that almost all of those questions could be handled by making the tutorials better. Now we probably average about 1 help email a day. Sometimes we get questions in another language and one of our translators takes it. All in all I'd say that most of the really basic stuff is covered. We even have text versions of the main tutorials and of course you can get it all in handy book form :)

What I think is really great about this list is that we can talk about all kinds of stuff. And yes, some of it is very technical but that's a good thing. When I first joined the list, a couple of people were going on and on about something called "RSS." Those emails just looked like "blah blah blah" to me at first. Then, once Me-TV (Mefeedia) and ANT (FireAnt) came out and I could see what you could use RSS for it started to make sense.

I guess the point is this: early on I was a newbie who said "why don't we make this a message board so we can find stuff better?" and that didn't happen so I (and others) went out and addressed that in ohter ways. Now I think this list does the job that it does just fine.

Maybe I should make a tutorial on how to subscribe and read this list.
1. Use something threaded like Gmail
2. Set up a rule/filter so it doesn't all show up in your inbox
3. Ignore threads you're not interested in
4. Flag the ones you're watching
5. Mark everything that's dropped out of view as read


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