I don't usually get in on these, but this one really intrigues me ...
plus, I'm trying to avoid doing my monthly family finances, which is
always a creative adventure ...

On 6/2/06, Shannon Noble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> nothing NEEDS context.

... For a "thing" to be a "thing" it needs context. What is a "thing"?
I couldn't tell you unless I had context, you see. None of any of this
makes sense without context.

It seems like you are trying to say vlogs are bad because they are
interpreted within some context (they are "enculturated") ... This is
the same as saying, vlogs are perceived.

There is this fundamental process, where an object impinges on a sense
organ - from than instant the "signal" is translated into a neural
signal, and intensely manipulated, and eventually it is "labeled" - it
is given meaning probably someone in association areas of the cortext
(in class, I used to say "then a miracle happens").

There is nothing that can be labeled or given meaning that is not

The best we can do - the only thing we can do - is to recognize that
this process of subjective perception is "reality".

What we think of as "objective" and "emperical" is ultimately consensus.

> you begin falacy at that point. as well as personal manipulation, in order
> to control your world around you.

... I guess I would want to know which part of Shannon's
thinking/agurments/perception would NOT be classified as "personal
manipulation" ... everything I'm saying and perceiving here is
certainly "personal manipulation" ... I can't imagine how it could be
otherwise ...

> langauge is a tool.
> used to manipulate in order to get what you want.

.... I'm pretty sure what you wrote above would constitute
"language", so, it follows ... well, you know ...

... I would say that language is the great and fundamental abstraction
tool that allows us to function in the world ... and have interesting
discussions like this, I might add ...

... well, that was fun ... Richard


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