I wouldn't have a problem making a video talking about how I watch "internet
TV" I do it in a number of ways, and it has made a big impact on my life.
(Heck, I videoblogged my proposal! if that doesn't show you i like
videoblogging, I don't know what does.) my issues lie here:

- making videos for contests does feel like a mad scramble for cash, not a
respectable way of paying the bills.

- I would much rather have someone come up to me after watching my videos
from the past 2 years and said, "hey you make great stuff, we want to pay
you money to make more great stuff" instead of saying "free money come make
videos and you might get it!"

- I can talk about "internet TV"/ watching videoblogs no problem, but
integrating Network2 into that would be difficult. If I talked about
watching internet TV it wouldn't involve Network2, I just don't use it.

- I hate the term "Internet TV" I just started to be ok with the term
Show... its gonna be light years before I call something TV that isn't on a

that is where I stand. I make videos here and there, I am not against making
money, but contests are a whole other bag of worms...

Josh Leo


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