> I figured out how to email through, perhaps. > If your reply-to-email to the videoblogging group has all the html > stuff on the side bar that Yahoo sticks on the email, such at the > "recent activiy" side bar, colorful "sponsored links" etc, then I > guess the email will get clogged up while Yahoo checks and delivers > this back to the group. > If you just create a regular email or copy and past the text, it > should work faster it seems. > . . .or perhaps only take text emails.
The Yahoo Groups has a spam filter that catches a couple emails a day. i guess it sees something in the text that feels spammy. As moderator, i try to check this box a couple times a day. So if a message doesnt go through...this is probably it. We all also know that Yahoo groups had some server crash that they are just recovering from. jay -- Here I am.... http://jaydedman.com