>  I think it's an interesting topic that Brian's raised here.  The
>  obligation is attribution and whatever else, but attribution doesn't
>  necessarily mean that the content creator received notice of that
>  attribution.  It also doesn't mean that the creator has APPROVAL over
>  the use of their video... especially before it goes out to the public.
>   Trackbacks and Pingbacks go out when the post is published, so by the
>  time that the creator finds out about it and decides they want to
>  contact the site and let them know what they'd like changed, the cat
>  is already out of the proverbial bag.

In this case with Ourmedia and Alive in Baghdad....I agree that the
"member page" needs to change. Up until recently, JD only linked to
video on Ourmedia...but I guess he wanted to stat linking out...and
the wording hasnt changed yet. Markus says he's working on this change
in the template.

If you go to http://ourmedia.org/, the AIB video is now gone. So
that's an easy fix too.
if you see something you dont like, definitely complain to that person.
If they dont do anything about it....then raise a big stink.
I find that most times things we dont like are just a misunderstanding.
Since Brian ants to make sure people see AIB as being
"objective"....he should complain if someone makes him look

as far as revlogging...let's look at a couple examples:
http://revlog.blogspot.com/   (Ryanne)
http://www.unitedvloggers.com/ (Michael Schaap)
Do you expect either of them to email people BEFORE they reblog somebody?
And you dont think they have the right to choose the frame of video
they want to link to?
I find this interesting since a journalist would say....I can write
about anything with any spin I want.
Fair use.

Do you email anyone you are going to link to?


Here I am....

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