I know you can do this for free on a PC with Windows Movie Maker. Here are
two short experiments I did last year:


Both used Windows Movie Maker - for the images, I just took them with a
cheapo web cam, then dropped them in, in order, on the movie's timeline. And
somewhere, there was a way to make each image about 1 10th of a sec or so -
so the animation could happen (I think I googled it to figure it out).

Hope this helps!


On 13 Mar 2007 12:11:56 -0700, Steve Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Theres loads of dedicated software to do that, this list is a starting
> point, some of its freeware:
> http://www.stopmotionworks.com/stopmosoftwr.htm
> Alternatively some video editing packages probably have a feature to
> import pictures. For this to be a nice solution they need to enable
> you to select a whole directory of pics, read them in the right order,
> and for you to specify how many videof rames of time each picture
> takes up.
> What sort of framerates are people finding acceptable for this sort of
> thing? As even a small increase in actual framerate will vastly
> increase the time it takes you to do the animation in the first place,
> but will obviously look smoother.
> Cheers
> Steve Elbows
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com <videoblogging%40yahoogroups.com>,
> "Heath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I know this has been dicussed before and I know how to do it with a
> > video camera, but I think that there is a way to take digital still and
> > then combine them to create stop motion as well. Is that correct? and
> > if so could someone please point me into the right direction? I am on
> > a PC not a mac.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Heath
> > http://batmangeek7.blogspot.com
> >

David King
davidleeking.com - blog
http://davidleeking.com/etc - videoblog

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