around the 21/3/07 Bill Streeter mentioned about [videoblogging] Re: 
my two cents that:
>YES! These are all things I've heard from them. I would also add
>that a lot of filmmakers enjoy the scarcity of their medium. They
>aren't all that interested in everyone being able to do what they do-
>-some are horrified by the idea. They often (and I'm making
>generalities here) are elitists who don't think that everyone should
>make moving pictures or just ANYONE should have an equal chance to
>be seen. Some others are luddites who have a strong distaste for
>anything digital. And others are old technology fetishists who think
>that actual FILM is the greatest imaging technology ever invented
>and refuse to lower themselves to working in mere "video."

good points Bill, and as mentioned earlier, you did get (and  still 
do) very similar conversations with authors (sorry, novelists, they 
even have a special term!) and the web. Don't even get them started 
on blogging :-)
Adrian Miles
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