Thank you anyway :)
I don't think vbweek for me is about the tech or the medium.  it's  
about the fun and challenge of a load of people all posting at least  
one video per day.
People love a challenge, and you can rise to the challenge of one-per- 
day as much or as little as you want.
Personally, the idea of it has freed me from a lot of the self- 
imposed rules I place on myself that stop me posting a lot of the  
stuff I shoot, so vbweek for me is going to be about documenting as  
much of my week as i can in a disposable style via twitter.  other  
people will create mini masterpieces every day.  and so on.
but other people will have other views on what it is.


On 31 Mar 2007, at 17:52, Mark Day wrote:

Well, don't thank me too much... I plugged it in passing at the end of a
video about something else entirely.

I'm at a wedding this weekend and am missing all the meet up fun - oh  

If anyone wants to make a "note to self" for '08 (cough, splutter,  
I would say that, of the people on YouTube who post personal vlog-style
content (and putting aside anyone's feelings about the people who post
skateboarding dogs and or leave angry comments...) I suspect that few of
them are particularly invested in the idea of pushing forward  
as a medium, so much as simply getting their personal opinons out there
(compare, say, people who just get on with using their operating system
versus people who actively advocate for Linux).

There is, for example, a fairly robust back and forth on YouTube at the
moment between aethists and - ahem - faith-based video makers. A much  
lively video conversation than you might imagine if you can't see  
past the
skateboarding dogs.....

That being the case, I'm not sure myself what the "point" of
videobloggingweek is *to* someone on YouTube. And I'm not saying that  
in a
negative way, just in a "well, what's in it for them..." thinking-out- 
sort of way... The best I can come up with off the top of my head is  
your stuff seen by more people...." (which is, for sure, something a  
lot of
YouTube users can relate to....).

Given that YouTube is an effective platform for the people who use it,
what's the elevator pitch for '08?

Just pondering...



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