On 6/4/07, Steve Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This situation means that even if buying quicktime pro, the process
> will be more of a pain than your current export from video editing app.

That's been my experience yeah.  I edit in "Premier Elements" and
export the final product as an uncompressed AVI (usually not too
painful my vlogs are all only 4-7minutes and I have a firewire drive
set aside for video production).

Then I load up the AVI in QT Pro and compress it down to a 3vix encoded MOV.

(Then - cause I'm a geek - I add on some QT interactive stuff, but
thats purely optional :P )

Then I upload it to blip!

As Steve points out there are other apps out there that have some
'compress for ipod' features (and some may be free) ... but I've not
tried them.  Videora comes to mind. ??

I just up and got Quicktime Pro to do this last leg compression step,
and so far I haven't regretted it.

- Dave


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