I started watching earlier today, but got interrupted.  Happy Birthday!

It's like the iSight was built for you, Schlomo.  Very few people  
could make films as entertaining as that with their MBPs.  I bet no  
one else's MBP iSight videos will get shown at Pixelodeon next year.

And it feels different somehow that it's on Facebook... sorry - "the  
Facebook".  Nicer forum for it than just a mass video sharing site or  
a blog.  (that reminds me - I saw on Viddler they're giving away  
iPhones to people who make 30 second MeToday videos this month.)

What you say makes total sense to me - the immediacy and satisfaction  
of it.  It's been low maintenance creative fun for me to snap stuff,  
cut it occasionally in the phone and just send it off.   You only  
have to worry about what's in front of the camera - you haven't got  
half your brain in the future, thinking about downloading,  
compressing, uploading, posting, etc and whether what you're shooting  
is worth the effort down the line.  So it just frees you to just Do  
Stuff.  The little creative muscles need flexing as well as the big  

Not that mine would be as fun as yours, but I'd love to be able to do  
it. God DAMN, i wish i could afford a Macbook Pro (the phone i use  
was a free upgrade btw, and the phone plan is pretty average - all  
data goes via regular wifi).  I am in webcam hell with this  
Powerbook.  The other night i had to use my big old XL1 DV camera as  
a webcam for the flashmeeting - and then it ran out of battery.  And  
I'd left the power cord somewhere.

Anybody have a Powerbook with a webcam that actually works well?   
With iChat, etc?  Care to let me know what it is??


On 6 Jul 2007, at 18:26, schlomo rabinowitz wrote:

Hey all

Lately my small life has become consumed with making videos on the
Facebook. I'm not sure why.. you dont get stats, you cant see who has  
watching them, and you don't get an RSS feed. In fact, all you can do is
record into the web browser and tag it with your friends names if  
they are
in the video-- you cant even make up your own tags!!

But its become a very intimate connector for me. It's like Ruperts
Twittervlog, but without the expensive camera and monthly phone plan.

Blip.tv used to have a similar feature early-on that only worked in  
I remember using it in a similar way, but the Facebook version is really
well done and should be abused by all videobloggers!

Its strange, but for some reason I enjoy making these sorts of videos  
way, but on my personal site I want to make stories in a different way.
With the In-Browser Recording, I like to just communicate in an instant
messenger sort of way. Does that make sense to anyone else? It's the
immediacy of the process that I enjoy (again, it helps me understand why
Rupert and Steve get excited about their phones)

Anyway, here are the couple I've done: <

I encourage you to make some of your own! Right now!


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