oh, this is just beyond retarded. This whole shebang. From soup to nuts. 

Sure, I watched the original video in question. I even watched some
prior posts to figure out if there was some kind of supporting
context. Like "every episode I skewer a different group and I'm
totally not funny about it". I didn't really see evidence of that, so
I simply directed myself to the comments section and basically called
him an as*hole. He lowered himself, and so did I. For the record, I
think part of the trouble with all of this is that he's interpreting
the word "racist" as if it only refers to the type of people who put
burning crosses on people's lawns. It doesn't. Clearly this is lost on

I don't believe for one second that this was an "experiment". For him
to post that racist bulls*it then wait around to see people's
reactions and turn around and say "haha! See! You fell into my trap!"
is both juvenile and insulting. And he's calling folks who didn't
think it was funny "pathetic"? 

He's bitching about no one emailing him? He's so proud he "started the
conversation" and is pissy about no one emailing him? Or making a
response video? I briefly considered making one, then I realized that
making a video where I say "hi, Loren, remember me? I called you an
as*hole? I STILL think your an ass*hole" is totally without value. It
does nothing for me, and he couldn't care less. Why should I bother? 

He can whine all he wants about no one else having balls but him. The
balls to do WHAT, exactly? Post drivel? He can bitch about everyone on
this list being "all talk", but does he have any real suggestions? No.
What the hell is he talking about, anyway? This was no sincere
apology. If it was, it wouldn't be stuck in the middle of a rant about
f-ing Facebook widgets (did a Facebook widget drown his pet kitten? He
has a lot of rage about widgets). 

The only thing more vile than this whole "Black Tech Blogger Internet
Opera" bulls*it were all the as*kissing comments that accompanied it
praising him for his passion and for being oh-so-edgy.  People think
the guy's being revolutionary. They like this ass and seem to believe
he's got important stuff to say. Well, they can have him. Maybe
Facebook widgets drowned their kittens, too.

I wash my hands of it. Loren said so himself and I agree: he's nothing
more than an idiot comedian.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Steve Watkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In his latest video, Loren provides a sort-of-explanation about his
> recent videos, and then launches a scathing attack on this group.
> Complains about:
> Groupthink
> Nobody emailing him
> Nobody making a video about it or taking other action, all talk
> Not having any balls
> People trying to get podtech to censor him.
> Now personally I have a trackrecord of talking about groupthink here,
> and sometimes going against the grain. I therefore share some of his
> concerns about this stuff, but I am rather unsure of the specifics of
> what he was trying to prove, Im not sure Ive learnt anything new so I
> resent his suggestion that he has proved something to the gullible herd.
> He talks of the potential of what social media could really be used
> for, but doesnt go into any detail, so I am left guessing as to
> whether he means the same sorts of things I feel are possible, and
> often complain arent really happening.
> Persoanally I freely admit to having no balls, and of being mostly all
> talk, and rarely making videos, so those complaints dont bother me,
> but are probably unfair to a lot of other people here.
> And I think this whole thing was a pretty crappy example of
> groupthink. Not everybody here has expressed the same opinion by a
> long shot, and I think there have been much better examples of
> groupthink in the past. The best examples of groupthink Ive seen are
> when everyone jumps on a bandwagon and starts attacking something
> without learning the facts first, its happened here to one degree or
> another in the past. But the thing with Feldmans video was that
> watching the video was about the only fact available. I take his point
> that maybe some people could of thought to ask him, if they wanted to
> form their own independent conclusions, but with something like this
> does someone really need to do anything other than watch the video to
> form an opinion?
> I would guess that not everybody here wants podtech to censor him, I
> certainly dont, and therefore I dont think its a great example of
> groupthink at all. Especially as numerous people have made lengthy
> posts where they ponder his motives, whether he was using it to make
> some other point, so how can he claim that everybody fell for it? Just
> because the group may seem to Feldman to be one large mash of people
> with a collective stupid brain, doesnt make it so, if he is too lazy
> to look at the subtle differences in peoples opinions then pah. Its
> the same phenomenon as racism really isnt it, lumping everyone
> together under one label in the mind?
> Cheers
> Steve Elbows

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