--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jay dedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The main features of this release is being able to play Ogg video with
> >  the included cortado Ogg player.  And on wordpress you can share the
> >  embed code of your videos so viewers can embed the video on their
> >  To download only vPIP go to:
> >  http://vpip.org/
> >  and select the document page for where you'll be installing vPIP.
> >  To download this version of vPIP with ShowInABox go to:
> >  http://showinabox.tv/wordpress/download/
> >  and get "The Whole Enchilada"
> and just to be more clear why this new version of vPIP rocks like a
> crazy animal with superpowers:
> Enric included an Ogg player in vPIP...so if you provide an Ogg
> version, anyone can watch it without any installation. The embedded
> video will play like flash. The viewer wont know the difference.
> Why is this important?
> on the Showinabox list (http://groups.google.com/group/show-in-a-box),
> we've been talking about Ogg which is an open source codec....similar
> to Flash.  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogg)
> The big question is: what happens if Flash or Quicktime starts putting
> DRM in their codec? or starts putting in limitations we dont want?
> There's not much we could do. But Ogg, like wordpress, is infinitely
> malleable. Lots of challenges to overcome, but enric did a big thing
> by making the Ogg viewing experience seemless.

That's an excellent point.  Do we have specs on setting up Compressor
for ogg output?  Data Rate, etc?  Or do you use the same settings as,
say, MOV, but just switch the codec?


> The new vPIP also has a "multiple embed-code generator", or Share.
> This lets the viewer choose which video format they want to embed on
their site.
> a person might want the 320x240 Flash version.
> someone else might want to embed the 640x480 HD quicktime.
> choices!!!!!
> forward and onward.
> Jay
> -- 
> http://jaydedman.com
> 917 371 6790

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