>  I used "export" -> "movie to ogg" from Quicktime player.  It
>  introduced a slight lag, maybe 1 or 2 frames with the video trailing
>  the audio.  That may have something to do with the FPS reading 48.01,
>  or it may have something to do with watching it in Quicktime player,
>  because it had to load the ogg as if it was translating the file.  It
>  didn't open automatically, like a quicktime file you have on your
>  computer... rather, like a progressive download from the internet.
>  I'll have to see how it plays in vPiP later today.

yeah...see how it plays in the Ogg player that vPIP uses.
you may also want to use VLC to playback Ogg files on your computer.

Here's note from the developer. You cannot resize the exported Ogg
video, but there is a wordaround:

"you can use it to export Ogg Theora directly from Final Cut, one limitation it
still has right now is, that it does not provide options for resize, you
can work around that by creating a new Sequence in the dimensions you want and
place the Sequence you want to export inside that Sequence doing the
scaling in Final Cut."


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