thanks for this

its nice when someone watches a second episode of a show

i need to do this more since i'm supposed to know them all! lol

On 9/13/07, Steve Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Wel I dount anyone will be surprised that I broke my promise and
> failed to doa spoof within 7 days, Im only about a 5th of the way
> there, it will be more like 7 weeks at this rate lol.
> Anyways, watched episode 2 of zaproot, preferred the topics bein
> discussed this week, but the editing style totally ate my brain, maybe
> I am getting old, maybe there is something about cuttin ever or 2
> seconds that destroys my brains ability to actually listen properly to
> whats being said, I dnno. But it sure makes it hard to parody will be
> hard pressed to cut any faster than the real show already does!
> Still it has got me analysing what I watch on TV (infrequently) a bit
> more - count the seconds before the shot change, its often only 2
> secs, but the headmangle effect isnt quite the same, maybe its got
> something to do witht he audio which is more seamless on these tv
> programs, different pace of narration and background music perhaps?
> I like suf that lets it linger. I get no space to reflect with
> zaproot, which makes it very disposable, but I stop criticising now, I
> done.
> Cheers
> Steve Elbows
> --- In <>,
> "Steve Watkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I promise to do a twisted version of this show within 7 days, I have
> > the same hair colour as the host, but my bluescreenings going to be
> > pretty shoddy.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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