Date: Sunday, September 9th

Time: 6:30 pm till when people leave (no later than 1am)

Where: Ireland's 32
       3920 Geary Blvd at 3rd Ave in SF's Richmond District

Phone: 415-386-6173

MAP/GET DIRECTIONS:,+CA&ll=37.781221,-122.461296&iwstate1=dir:to&iwloc=A&f=d&daddr=3920+Geary+Blvd,+San+Francisco,+CA+94118

I'm having a big party to reconnect with old friends, meet online friends
in meatspace, and meet new friends altogether.

I'll be playing all my new songs, along with many of my songs from the
last fifteen years or so, in little sets off and on all night long,
starting around 6:45, and going till probably around midnight.

I've got a video projector and various footage I've been putting together
that will be going in-between and during the live stuff.

I'm flying in my old guitar player from Idaho, Ron Taylor. He and I co-wrote
many of the songs on the website:

I'm also flying my sister up from LA to sing harmonies with me on a couple

It's pretty sweet of this pub to let me take over the place for the night.
It's actually been a little dream of mine to have enough stage time to be
able to go through all of my favorites from the last 15 years -- and in a
fun filled environment where I can have as many people there as I want.

Ireland's 32 also has these *really* great home made beef or chicken pot
pies, so if you need to come by early (it is a Sunday, after all), come by
around 6:30 and make a dinner show of it. (Actually, you and a friend can
probably split one easily, they're HUGE.)

They have a great pool table upstairs too! It's just an all around great
party locale!

They're letting me use the bar for the night in the hopes I can bring in a
crowd to buy drinks. So drink up. (It makes the music sound better anyway

And if I'm lucky enough that you actually have old favorites that you want
to make sure I perform, by all means, let me know! [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In between some of my sets, my good friend
Tim Perkis will be performing a little set with his daughter around 7:30.

You may have seen Tim's cool new movie about improvisational music, Noisy
People, around recently. Tim's also a fellow Dabble co-founder. (And a
fellow ex-Dabbler and co-founder*.)

The Breezy Days Band will also be squeezing in a little set prolly around
9:30 or so.

Thanks! And I hope to see you there.

*That's right folks! Contrary to the mythical folklore you may have heard,
there were 6 of us total...SIX!! But that's another story... :)

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