hi lisa if you want to put it on upcoming i can PR the f out of it for u :)

On 9/7/07, Lisa Rein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   http://www.onlisareinsradar.com/archives/002773.php
> http://www.onlisareinsradar.com/archives/002770.php
> Date: Sunday, September 9th
> Time: 6:30 pm till when people leave (no later than 1am)
> Where: Ireland's 32
> 3920 Geary Blvd at 3rd Ave in SF's Richmond District
> http://www.irelands32sanfrancisco.com/
> Phone: 415-386-6173
> http://maps.google.com/maps?ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&q=ireland%27s+32&near=San+Francisco,+CA&ll=37.781221,-122.461296&iwstate1=dir:to&iwloc=A&f=d&daddr=3920+Geary+Blvd,+San+Francisco,+CA+94118
> I'm having a big party to reconnect with old friends, meet online friends
> in meatspace, and meet new friends altogether.
> I'll be playing all my new songs, along with many of my songs from the
> last fifteen years or so, in little sets off and on all night long,
> starting around 6:45, and going till probably around midnight.
> I've got a video projector and various footage I've been putting together
> that will be going in-between and during the live stuff.
> I'm flying in my old guitar player from Idaho, Ron Taylor. He and I
> co-wrote
> many of the songs on the lisarein.com website:
> http://www.lisarein.com
> I'm also flying my sister up from LA to sing harmonies with me on a couple
> songs.
> It's pretty sweet of this pub to let me take over the place for the night.
> It's actually been a little dream of mine to have enough stage time to be
> able to go through all of my favorites from the last 15 years -- and in a
> fun filled environment where I can have as many people there as I want.
> Ireland's 32 also has these *really* great home made beef or chicken pot
> pies, so if you need to come by early (it is a Sunday, after all), come by
> around 6:30 and make a dinner show of it. (Actually, you and a friend can
> probably split one easily, they're HUGE.)
> They have a great pool table upstairs too! It's just an all around great
> party locale!
> They're letting me use the bar for the night in the hopes I can bring in a
> crowd to buy drinks. So drink up. (It makes the music sound better anyway
> :-)
> And if I'm lucky enough that you actually have old favorites that you want
> to make sure I perform, by all means, let me know! [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]<lisa%40lisarein.com>
> In between some of my sets, my good friend
> Tim Perkis will be performing a little set with his daughter around 7:30.
> http://www.noisypeople.com
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Perkis
> You may have seen Tim's cool new movie about improvisational music, Noisy
> People, around recently. Tim's also a fellow Dabble co-founder. (And a
> fellow ex-Dabbler and co-founder*.)
> The Breezy Days Band will also be squeezing in a little set prolly around
> 9:30 or so.
> Thanks! And I hope to see you there.
> _______________________
> *That's right folks! Contrary to the mythical folklore you may have heard,
> there were 6 of us total...SIX!! But that's another story... :)


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