Offering free advice to people who are getting going with this is just giving 
back to the 
community. That's a good thing.

Offering free advice to well established entities could be a good thing if that 
established entity has an inclination to use the one giving the advice for 
future paid 

I made the mistake of offering free advice to one such entity. Now they are 
finding issues 
with me wanting to be paid for future "free" advice. Free is in quotes there 
because I am 
no longer offering free advice to that company.

I guess in the case of Mr Calacanis coming and posting on this list his 
question could be 
construed as rather tasteless when the majority of people here are pretty happy 
getting single or double digit page views.


--- In, "Jeffrey Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> You've successfully launched and sold several media properties, Mr.
> Calacanis. You've also got a company, Mahalo, that has a marketing budget.
> In my opinion, folks in your league should pay for advice instead of getting
> it for free. It's not like you're a Rocketboom or a Epic--FU/Jetset,
> starting from the ground up on a shoestring, in the community with the rest
> of us, and including us in the conversation by asking one or some of us join
> you at Mahalo on a contractural or full-time basis to help you gain
> subscribers. You are a not a regular participant on this list, and I've seen
> nothing of value come from you since I've been subscribed. While it doesn't
> break any rules for you to come ask this question, I find it rather
> insulting for you to do so without offering a gig or valuable advice to one
> or some of the people in this community.
> At best, you're getting free consulting that devalues the hard-earned
> expertise of people here. At worst, you're using this medium as a gimmick to
> start conversation about Mahalo Daily. Both are pretty gross.
> And here's my question to the group:
> When does community-based advice to peers end and when does free consulting
> to professionals begin? Or, in other words, when do we start devaluing our
> own experience and expertise by giving it away gratis to people who could
> afford to pay for it?  This is my biggest question as social media rises and
> communities help more and more with building of companies.
> On 12/11/2007, bordercollieaustralianshepherd <
> >
> >   Jason
> >
> > Wow ... I just caught up with the whole thread ... damn you! Damn You
> > Jason ... LOL
> >
> > Well I stand by my ideas, but must give you a big nod for self
> > promoting in such a sly way ...
> >
> > Of all of the crap I threw your way ... and having learned this AIN"T
> > your first BBQ ... I would work the "Thank You" angle.
> >
> > Thanks for letting me play
> >
> > Dave
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
> Jeffrey Taylor
> Mobile: +33625497654
> Fax: +33177722734
> Skype: thejeffreytaylor
> Googlechat/Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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