I disagrey respectfully with Tim Street.

Promos my butt. Let the content speak for itself.  Don't push promos
everywhere, syndicate the content everywhere.  Making promos for 3
minute shows is backwards.

Instead just put the whole thing on youtube... yeah you'll never make
a dime through youtube, but screw it... use them like they use you.
Brand yourstuff like crazy. Build your brand.  This is exactly what
shows like Ask A Nija and Wallstrip have done. Don't give youtube
users cheap seconds... that would be treating youtube exactly the way
all those lifestyle mags, newspapers, regional news affiliates and the
rest treat the online world... he's some "show clips" from the NBC...
wait... nope we don't want them on Youtube anymore... come to our
site.  It's B.S.   Give them the whole show, make it ontime... make it
a great experience... and just let them know who it's coming from,
brand well.  Then just hope when push comes to shove you've developed
enough of a core following that they'll follow you to itunes, your
domain, or subscribe to your RSS feed with a real open network
aggregator like fireant, democracy, mefeedia, or dare I say iTunes..
though quite frankly itunes sucks for video.


On 11/11/07, Tim Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I  can't argue with Jan.
> You might also try starting a video podcast and create some promos for it and 
> post them everywhere you can.
> Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Jan McLaughlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 18:34:48
> To:videoblogging@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [videoblogging] Re: Advice on how to get to 100-250k views a day 
> (quickly)?
> I don't know Veronica from sunshine, but I'm guessing she's got a good rack.
>  You don't need much more than that and some low-cut, tight blouses and a
>  bevy of good writers and guests to make the numbers you describe.
>  Lots of writers out of work this week.
>  Jan
>  [Who's kinda sorry for the flip if true response]
>  On 11/11/07, Jason McCabe Calacanis <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:jason%40calacanis.com> com> wrote:
>  >
>  > --- In videoblogging@ <mailto:videoblogging%40yahoogroups.com> 
> yahoogroups.com, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > > This might not be the right place to ask those questions. Most (not
>  > > all) of the producers here are working organically and personally
>  > > with much smaller audiences and are creating uncommercial content.
>  >
>  > Got it.
>  >
>  > Thought that discussions about distribution channels might be in the
>  > mandate since I've seen them here before, but if not please do delete!
>  >
>  > > But here's my two cents: You want regular six figure viewing figures,
>  > > I'd say the only guaranteed way to do it from a standing start is to
>  > > get featured on Youtube every time. I would imagine, given your
>  >
>  > YouTube has come up a lot so I guess we should talk to them about
>  > distribution. I agree about the value of those viewers and the
>  > horrible behavior. In some ways I guess it's like getting on the front
>  > page of digg: you get some traffic but you also get abusive comments
>  > from the kiddie/anonymous coward contingent.
>  >
>  > > My feeling is that to get any value or meaningful response from your
>  > > viewers, you need to build audience and loyalty organically. All the
>  > > social network/social media groups you've set up are a good start.
>  >
>  > Agreed. We're getting a great response from Ning
>  > (http://mahalodaily. <http://mahalodaily.ning.com> ning.com), Facebook 
> (600 or so memebers), and
>  > Twitter.
>  >
>  > > But they're not a quick fix. Or a road to instant viewer riches.
>  >
>  > Agreed again. I think they are good at creating a space for your
>  > existing users to get together.
>  >
>  > > I advise you to look at EpicFu (formerly Jetset) - Zadi and Steve
>  > > have done it about as right as possible, I think. They've been
>  > > developing their show and their fans for a long time, and are now
>  > > getting 1m views per week. They cover a lot of ground, screen on
>  > > multiple networks as well as their own site and work very hard at
>  > > it. They have their own social network, which is integral to their
>  > > show. Seems to work well for them.
>  >
>  > Will do... those guys certainly know what they're doing and have been
>  > at it for a long time.
>  >
>  > > I also advise you not pay any attention to my advice. I'm a
>  > > videoblogger. I'm happy with a two or three figure audience, not
>  > > six. I want to keep personal contact with my viewers. I have
>  > > nothing to sell and no intention of making it my business. None of
>  > > my opinions are based on any experience of building a promotional
>  > > show with a big audience. Good luck with it.
>  >
>  > Actually, I think your advice is sage... focus on the organic and
>  > stick to your knitting. The goals of our podcast and a personal podcat
>  > are certainly different, but the passion is the same.
>  >
>  > LinkedIn has like a dozen answers including a VERY funny one from Leo
>  > from TWiT.
>  >
>  > http://www.linkedin 
> <http://www.linkedin.com/answers?viewQuestion=&amp;questionID=128692&amp;askerID=24171>
>  .com/answers?viewQuestion=&questionID=128692&askerID=24171
>  >
>  > best j
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > Yahoo! Groups Links
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  --
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