BTW, Rocketboom is in it's 4th year now and for awhile I felt as  
though I was falling behind do to getting stuck in the lawsuit with  
Amanda (just ended 2 months ago), and not being able to get a network  
up and running like the other shows did such as Adam Curry's,  
Diggnation and Frederator.

But now that that's all over and Rocketboom is 100% free, in  
retrospect, Im so glad that it didn't happen because these networks  
are doing it all wrong, I think. I would of likely been doing the  
same thing that they are doing too.

Most people who know me know I haven't slept or vacationed in years  
because I keep running to get to the next step. We haven't relented,  
but we are no longer racing against the environment.

Rocketboom is not a Web 2.0 business, its a media business and media  
will be around for a long time. WIth this in mind, and whereas the  
other networks have only one breadwinner and a lot of draggers, we  
have decided to go at our own pace in order to make sure that show #2  
is just as important if not more important than #1.

On Nov 12, 2007, at 4:43 PM, Steve Watkins wrote:

> Whats really so bad about twit 57 anyway? I tried to listen to twit  
> once and couldnt take it,
> but I just watched the video version of twit 57 all the way  
> through. Sure, there were some
> moments where too many people talking at once wasnt good, but I  
> found the show
> interesting. Unless the video version is edited, I didnt spot any  
> legendary row, just a mildly
> spirited discussion, which was fairly revealing and thus interesting.
> And the Murdoch comments were nothing compared to the brief moment  
> at the end of
> 2006 and start of 2007 where a few 'would be media moguls' stated  
> their aspirations in
> even more ott fashion, only for those plans to wither away without  
> much fanfare or
> explanation.
> I got rather passionate about such things at the time, disgusted by  
> the idea that a new
> breed of gatekeepers were trying to bring themselves into  
> existence, because that seemed
> like it would destroy some of the things that make blogging and  
> vlogging have such
> potential. So whilst I admired the fact that rocketboom didnt seem  
> to be selling out in the
> usual sense, for money, I became disturbed by some possible signs  
> that Mr Baron was
> seeking to achieve a different sort of power.
> In a strange way Im sort of sad that nothing much has happened, I  
> was looking forward to
> seeing what would occur. I imagine to witness the emergence of a  
> potential mogul of the
> new media world, we need a far more ruthless character with an iron  
> will, and a plan that
> is more detail than dream, to give it a go. None of the a-
> list/controvertial/opinionated/whatever characters, or your  
> confrontations, live up to the
> hype.
> Perhaps the new media dominator must also have a good sense of  
> timing, and will wait till
> things grow, and a lot of people do the hard work, before making  
> their move.
> 2007, not what was expected, and as I said before I think the  
> wobbly economy could
> make 2008 a year of shattered dreams, for those who couldnt keep  
> their dreams to a
> realistic size. Long live the sustainable ones, with their feet on  
> the ground!
> Regarding Mahalo and promotion, I would like to know stuff about  
> promotion options that
> are well beyond the reach of the individual or those with more  
> modest funding etc. Do you
> ever consider advertising in traditional mass media? I know that  
> back in 2005 or whenever
> the year was that some bvloggers got a lot of mainstream press,  
> some were surprised
> how little difference a story in the NYT or wherever, would make to  
> their stats. And here in
> the UK Ive not seen anything like the number of TV adverts for  
> dotcoms as I did during
> the original bubble. But Im also not convinced that web-only  
> promotion works on a huge
> scale all that often, seems very hit & miss, and I even wonder  
> whether the notion of mass
> marketing will stand the test of time. What if everybody is on the  
> race to the bottom, the
> only way is down, etc? Still taht would probably fit well with the  
> needs of plnet earth, the
> end of 'god is growth' and a return to saner scales in all things?
> Cheers
> Steve Elbows
> --- In, "Jason McCabe Calacanis"  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, John Coffey  
> <jimmycrackhead2000@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm with you Richard. I suggest Jason have lunch with
> > > Andrew Baron and relive the worst TWIT ever.
> >
> > I think you're referring to Rupert Murdoch?!? ;-)
> >
> > TWiT 57 is legendary now... Leo talks about "not pulling a 57" or  
> "let's not 57 this one.."
> in
> > the pre-interview. Very funny.
> >
> > j
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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