> I'm glad this discussion is coming out again as I have ALWAYS thought the
>  blog format was not the best way to present a body of visual work. It works
>  for text since I can text-link to a related post within the sentence I'm
>  referrencing, but not the same with video.
>  For instance, its' raining here in SF right now and I know I have a good 3
>  vids related to rain/weather ennui. I want something that feels like trace
>  memories in my posts. I want to show how *this* video has elements of
>  *that* video... and not in just a typical historic way; I want it to show
> it in remembrance of the past sort of way.


i think with Wordpress we are just getting to the point of being able
to do this.
Jen Simmons videobloggs AND designs WP themes.
So it take both those skills to build what we want.
she has had some thoughts on this and may make an example.

i dont know exactly how it would be done, but id like to have an
interface where I can manipulate how my videos show up on the front
page without knowing code. I want to be able to use any of my archives
with any new posts.

Im not sure if this would be through WP plugins or through unique
themes for videobloggers.


917 371 6790
Professional: http://ryanishungry.com
Personal: http://momentshowing.net
Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/jaydedman/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/jaydedman
RSS: http://tinyurl.com/yqgdt9

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