On Jan 7, 2008 6:50 AM, rudy.jahchan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is a GREAT post. lets lay out the ground rules when building with WP.

>  1.) If we are serious about using WordPress as a platform, we have to
>  cater to two people; the coder/creator and the simple creator.


>  2.) For the coder/creator (like me), we provide a foundation of
>  template tags that let them slice and dice every which way.

who provides this?
the person building the theme?
can you give an example?

>  3.) For the pure creator (like David seems to be), widgets are the
>  answer, but even then we make it easy to style through someone giving
>  him a theme, or through interface choices.

you mean widgets being different from Plugins.
I was thinking much of this could be done in unique themes that would
be designed for specific purposes like "video gallery theme", or
"documentary theme", or whatever visual layout we can think of. The
layout rules would be hard baked into the theme.

Could all this be done with a traditional WP theme and some new widgets?

>  4.) I feel we have to stop considering video separate from posts. Once
>  we do that, we can start making use of other plugins that already
>  supply functionality like recent, related, whatever. (Yes, this will
>  be an issue when those other plugins require a lot of code, but we can
>  avoid this).

yeah...we dont want to break the idea of posts and permalinks.
Just how these posts are displayed on the page, and how a creator can
relate posts to each other on the same page.

I simly dont want my video archives to be lost. instead, I want to
make them fresh when i juxtapose them to new videos.
thumbnails is the new art form to play with on the page.

i would love to hear about people's dream layouts. Or sketch it out in
I know that would help the developers better understand what to build.


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