
> Blogspot unblocked, but Blogger is blocked
> Posted by Jeremy Goldkorn, June 13, 2008 12:05 PM
> Blogspot, Google's popular blogging platform is accessible again in  
> China, judging from reports from Chengdu and Beijing.
> Blogspot has been blocked and unblocked so many times in China that  
> is barely worth mentioning: it usually works for a few weeks, and  
> then gets blocked again (see this Blogspot chronology on Danwei).
> But this time seems to be different. In the past, even when  
> Blogspot was inaccessible in China, people using the platform could  
> still post to their blogs even though they could not read the blogs  
> without a proxy. Today it seems that Blogger, the part of Blogspot  
> used for publishing blog entries, is blocked.
> This may just be a technical glitch, but perhaps it is a rather  
> subtle strategy of the Net Nanny:
> With Blogspot available, most Olympic visitors are less likely to  
> notice Internet censorship, but stopping Blogger will make it much  
> harder for some athletes, journalists and other visitors to publish  
> their thoughts online.
> Update: Judging from the comments, this may just be some type of  
> technical glitch rather than an act of the Nanny: Blogspot is still  
> not available in many places while Blogger is accessible.

I'm going to China for the solar eclipse on Aug. 1, & want to  
document my trip.  Like I did for Egypt '06: 

I'm working with a high school teacher in China (who is leading her  
own group of students to observe the eclipse), & others (physicist  
@Chinese Academy of Sciences).  I want to have the Blogger blog do  
some cultural outreach between China & the World (incl USA).  So, if  
Blogger is blocked..I can't make posts!  Or, if Blogspot is blocked,  
then native Chinese can't see the content.

What to do?  I need experts on this list to figure out a solution/ 
strategy.  I leave in a week.

I've moved my to another domain  
(using Bloggers publishing tool):

But, it still doesn't solve the "Blogger blocked" problem, since it  
would prevent me from publishing blog entries.

Another thing.  Can I upload videos to, without much  
trouble?  (are there bandwidth issues?  I know someone in New  
Zealand, who has trouble watching videos hosted in the US).

I want to try other blogging solutions like  (pictures and  

I like the email w/attachment (picture or video) solution.  I have no  
idea about cellphone accessibility in China, anyone know?

I'm sure there is coverage, but what about data & email attachments?   
I have a contact in China (travel agent who speaks good English, who  
is making a lot of travel arrangements for me: hotel w/Internet  
access, etc), who is researching the pre-paid SIM card  (which  
includes a good data package).

I will have Internet access at my observation site, the nearby  
weather station & Internet Cafe.

Basically, I need feedback from someone who has blogged their travels  
in China.  There are a couple of good forums, like Lonely Planet & VT  
(virtual tourist), which have extensive traveler feedback from China.

This is good timing, with Jay Dedman's post on "Collaborative video  
blogging project".  I suppose I could email my Blogger posts to  
someone here in USA, & have them post it via Blogger (I would have to  
give them access to my Blogger account). 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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