I'm in total agreement with you, Brook.

The idea behind Moneythong is not too neccesarily have gazillions of
people downloading, but really I'm thinking of it as a video store on
the corner of your block ( like Lost Weekend or Mondo Video) where you
can hopefully find recommended torrents/videos you may have not heard

Like that store filled with VHS tapes that never made it to DVD.

Once you try out a couple vids, you may come back for likeminded art.

On 8/5/08, Brook Hinton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The only people I know who torrent are some people on this list and on
> twitter who have said they do, a tiny fraction of my students, and
> some  friends who work in tech and who have towers at home that stay
> on all the time.
> Also, many ppl I know who are biased toward things underground and
> obscure not only aren't online enough to bother with a torrent but
> have to really be pushed to investigate online video in the first
> place, though once they see the good stuff they go back to it.
> When I was doing Trace Garden I had more people who wanted me to email
> them every time there was a new video than I had subscribers - I
> couldn't even get them to bother with the automatic RSS-email
> approach. Even RSS was too techy-geeky for them, and these were people
> who would have been happy to watch a new episode every day.
> My STUDENTS - mostly late teens and twenties and a few early thirties
> - don't use RSS and very few use torrents - and when they do, it's to
> get software. For them social media means facebook, except that they
> stay on myspace for info on their favorite bands, online video means
> youtube, and finding out about cool new things happens via text
> messages. Those who are more in the know on this stuff are the ones in
> their thirties. This may be an inaccurate sample - these are art
> students (though they are primarily media arts majors, including a
> sizable number of net art people).
> I think we get a distorted picture of how many potential viewers
> inhabit the web the same way we do.
> Brook
> _______________________________________________________
> Brook Hinton
> film/video/audio art
> www.brookhinton.com
> studio vlog/blog: www.brookhinton.com/temporalab

Schlomo Rabinowitz

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