This from Rupert pretty much nails it, not just about vidoeblogging
but about media - commercial, fine art, indie, ALL OF IT - in the new

"No one pays for media. People don't pay for the movie when they see
it at a theatre. They could wait and watch it on the telly or
BitTorrent it. They pay for the EXPERIENCE of going out - huddling
together in the dark to feast on sugary crap and distract themselves
momentarily from the ever-present inevitability of their encroaching
loneliness, senility and death.

Just like you pay for Chinese food when you don't want to cook and
the inside of your apartment is starting to feel like the Overlook."

I'm not quite as pessimistic on the rest of it, even as a dyed in the
wool anti-advertising anti-product-placement worshipper at Rev.
Billy's Church of Stop Shopping, but as an analysis of where it all
stands now that post is as spot on as anything I've read.


Brook Hinton
film/video/audio art
studio vlog/blog:

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