I thought you and Zadi would go apeshit when you saw it.  I know  
Cheryl's video earlier in the year upset you guys, and it was a lot  
more of a reasoned 'call bullshit' (even if wrong) than this.  If  
someone did this to me, I might respect their right to do it as an  
artist, but you can be pretty sure they wouldn't get such a calm,  
well-reasoned reply.

I agree that your success hasn't come at the expense of other content  
creators.  You *are* independent artists.  Many, many times more  
independent than the 'independent' American filmmakers who get so  
much praise and glory.  Even those fantastic 'independent' movies in  
the 'golden age' of the 1970s were mostly funded and distributed by  
subsidiaries of big scared Hollywood studios.

My worry, as I said before, is that when internet video moves away  
from computers and onto other devices - couch-based home  
entertainment systems and portable devices - the interfaces will be  
designed by the corporate overlords to only feature commercial- 
friendly independent shows - and there'll be no easy way for users to  
find those of us who are less mainstream.  That's something you  
popular kids can help with, I guess.  And FU does, in the content of  
your show.


On 5-Aug-08, at 11:48 PM, Steve Woolf wrote:

If I wanted to, I could choose to view John's masturbation
scene, overlaid with my wife's name and followed by a video of her, as
something that should warrant a physical confrontation.

That success has not come at the expense of other content creators,  
at least in my opinion. In fact, I think we have all done quite a lot  
to help elevate awareness for independent artists.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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