As a big news story, that video will be viewed by countless people.
Advertisers are wise to attach to it. 

- Mary

--- In, "Bill Cammack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I hear what you're saying, but bills have to be paid.  I don't know
> anything about boingboing, so I can't speak for them specifically, but
> that's the game that's being played here.  Get people to click on your
> video, get people to click on your ads, get revenue to pay people's
> salaries.  There's nothing else going on here.
> It's like when you make a Ning community. You can make it for free if
> you leave the google ads on your site and lose the use of an entire
> sidebar... or you can pay Ning to make it worth their while to ditch
> the ads and let you use the sidebar.  Lots of people choose to make
> free Ning sites and lots of people choose to watch free boingboing
> videos with whatever ads you saw on them.
> I know you know this already and were just stating facts, :) and I
> agree with you for the most part.  The thing that SUCKS for me with
> overlay ads is that you don't know when they're going to come up, so
> as the content creator, when you go to font someone in THE LOWER 3RD
> OF THE SCREEN, some bullshit ad comes up over your title and the
> effect you were creating as art is completely lost.  If that's the
> only time you mention someone's name/title in the piece, people are in
> the dark the whole time.
> Also, like you said, overlay ads of ANY kind destroy immersion, but
> like I said, it's about making your money back, not making art that is
> poignant and has the desired effect on the viewer that the artist
> (content creator) intended.
> Removing ads would defeat the purpose of doing the videos in the first
> place. (Again, having nothing specifically to do with boingboing)
> Bill Cammack
> --- In, "Heath" <heathparks@> wrote:
> >
> > I am glad jay and ryanne are back safe, I am glad that boing boing 
> > and others are trying to report things....but....and for me it's a 
> > big but....the ads on the video piece from boing boing turned me 
> > off....I mean, here are jay and ryanne talking about people being 
> > detained and how that they are basicly trying to get out of town 
> > before they themselves are detained and I get some upbeat rockin ad 
> > for, heck I don't even know but it just seemed sooo out of 
> > detracted me from the overall message...maybe it's just 
> > me...but.....
> > 
> > Heath
> >
> >
> > 
> > --- In, Rupert <rupert@> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > > "Last week, eight American citizens were detained in Beijing for  
> > > participating in pro-Tibetan sovereignty protests near the site of  
> > > the 2008 Olympics, with Students for a Free Tibet. Two 
> > videobloggers  
> > > who documented those protest and guerrilla art installations 
> > evaded  
> > > detention, and spoke to Boing Boing TV on Friday Beijing time 
> > about  
> > > why they were there, what they witnessed, and why it mattered.
> > > 
> > > "Jay Dedman and Ryanne Hodson of spoke to us over  
> > > Skype from a hostel in Beijing. One of the actions they documented 
> > in  
> > > photo and video was the hanging of an "LED throwies" light banner,  
> > > below, which read "FREE TIBET." We agreed to hold this Boing Boing 
> > tv  
> > > episode until after we received word that they'd safely left the  
> > > country. They have returned home, so I am posting the piece today."
> > > 
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> >

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