This is such a common problem.  I see it driving people mad all the  

Usually if there's a difference between iMovie and FCP when using the  
same export settings, the problem is not in the Export settings  
(which are the same), it's in the Sequence settings.

Chances are there's an anamorphic or distortion setting that's out of  
sync between your Sequence and your Clip.

Two things to check - first that your Clip and your Sequence are both  
checked as Anamorphic - or not.

Then double click on your Clip in the Timeline so that it opens in  
the Viewer.  Click the Motion tab, and check the Distort settings.   
Chances are that this is where the problem is.  The Aspect Ratio  
setting under Distort should be set to 0.  If it's not, it means FCP  
has distorted your clip to fit the sequence.  Probably because the  
sequence is Anamorphic and your clip is not.

So create a new sequence with *exactly* the same settings as your  
clip, copy all the clips in your edited sequence over to the new  
sequence - you'll see they're distorted.  Go through them and change  
the Distort Aspect Ratio settings to 0 to return them to normal.

(You can speed this up with an Attribute copy and paste - change one  
clip, copying it and "Paste Attributes..." onto all the other clips  
with just the Distort setting checked.)

Hope it works for you. Usually does.


On 23-Oct-08, at 11:32 AM, JD Lasica wrote:

Hi, I've been experiencing a strange problem.

I shoot my videos in HD on a Canon VH20 at 1440x1080 (and output the
finished works at 480x270).

When I output the finished video in iMovie (as mp4, .mov or .m4v for
the iphone), they turn out fine.

When I output it in Final Cut Pro, they turn out fine in .mp4 but
distorted (squeezed and deeper) when I export in either:
QuickTime Conversion > iphone (where it's all done automatically)
QuickTime Conversion > QuickTime Movie

I asked my FCP tutor about this yesterday and he couldn't track down
the problem.

Could the culprit be FCP's Audio/Video Settings? Or do I need to
change something on my camcorder?

Thanks, O Wisdom of the Mailing List!

jd lasica

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