I own up to a lot of confusion. 

When you follow the dictates of various videoblogging expertise the
h.264 codec is a standard recommendation. Not h.263 or just MPEG.4 but
it has to be the Real McCoy.

Assuming that's correct I have a couple of questions:

(1) Can a file only be rendered to h.264 by using QuickTime Pro? 

(2) Since I edit in Sony Vegas (Platinum 9.0)I have to render my video
file  in SV first  BEFORE processing it in QuickTime. So  what is the
best format to render the file in Sony Vegas (or some other video
editor) before importing it into Quicktime for exporting as .mov?

(3) Mac snobbery aside, since I render a file  twice, this seems a lot
of extra effort and lot more time for the sake of image quality and 
iTunes download options.

dave riley

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